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The Times and Democrat from Orangeburg, South Carolina • 7

The Times and Democrat from Orangeburg, South Carolina • 7

Orangeburg, South Carolina
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE TIMES AND DKMOUUAT: WEDNESDAY FEIJKUAISY 17, 1M2 A ROMANCE G. A. HARLEY a 0 She whom they sought stood, just then, between the clergyman and Clyde. Mrs. Brawne, with commonplace visage and a queer, festive flutter about her toilet, was slightly in the background.

Having approached within a few steps of the woman he meant to that mornlng.Gerald drew and indicted Sylvan by a quick wave i Ids hui.d. "This," he said, looking straight at Perdita, "is my brother." She grew very white, and remained for a few seconds motionless, with her gaze on Sylvan's face, Then she sprang to Gerald and chitehcd his arm. "Your your hn.ff, r'" she questioned. "Yes," said Gerald. She had not taken her eyes from Sylvan.

Clyde, who watched her now, never forgot the surge of intelligence mixed with frightful agony that soon swept across her features. In another instant her clasp on Gerald's arm loosened. She staggered toward Sylvan, ller eyes had now the look of being dragged from their sockets, ller frail, pure throat became seamed with lines as of straining thews. "Oh! my God!" she cried. "It all comes back! I I In that one last word rang out such anguish as a perishing soul might utter if damned by a sense of either its own despair, misfortune or disgrace.

"Lucia!" exclaimed Sylvan. He advanced as though to meet her. But even then she sank to the floor sank with ccdlapse so quick and terrible that no arm of those near by had enough mingled force and swiftness to break her fall. Gerald was the first to raise her, and as he did so a wild cry of sorrow broke from his lips. He had told himself, in that single fleet glance at her bluishly altered face, that she had ceased to live.

And soon afterward, when she had been borne to a sofa, Clyde bent over her and verified the ghastly conviction. "Her heart has been feeble for weeks," he said, when no gleam of doubt as to her death longer dwelt with him. Rising rom the sofa, he gazed with great gentleness and compassion at Sylvan, saying: "She was your wife, then?" "Yes," answered Sylvan. At this point Gerald tore something from an inner pocket. "The manuscript and the letter!" he cried, in a voice throbbing with misery.

"Take them burn them! you are right; they are accursed!" Sylvan received the envelope in a dazed way, with shaking hand. The morning, in spite of its sunshine, had been somewhat chill; a fire of big black coal-blocks flashed and crackled below the mantel. Sylvan examined the papers, DEALER IN EXKKAL EUCIIANDIS i 1 KEEPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND CLOTHING, DRY GOODS, SHOES AND HATS. PLANTATION HARDWARE, GROCER! EL, itc. Cotton is lower now than it has been for years and in consequence I am offerm my goods low down.

umo My Stock of CLOTMJfG and SHOES Is largo and complete and will be sold at Surg" DeVer heard of lu 0nse- "yy you to can ana examine my goods and prices before purchasing. This is no catchpenny advertisement, but SnvlnSdVCry partk'ular- Toeali 1 to fr St bUJiDg yUr Wiater G. A. HARLEY. TOWN LOTS are being taken up.

Buildings are being built. Business is opening briskly. So now is the to secure a home hi the Beautiful City of Prewitts ON THE S. B. 11.

Ono Hundred miles from Savannah Forty-two miles from Columbia, 8. 0. tTho Rail Road is now open ami ready for business, with doubla passentrer and freight trains. For further inform tloa apply to J. A.

WEATHERSBEE, Evergreen, S. O. FRESH STOCK! Selected Goods CAN BE FOUND AT THE FAMILY GROCERY, NEXT TO EDISTO BANK, W. HAMPTON DUKES, PROPRIETOR. FA 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 9i 1 iAAx it AT Having Just returned from New York where she has been for a time selecting a beautiful stock of Millinery, Fancy Goods Notions and Dress Gnnri and of all kinds.

6 I am prepared to furnish my customers and friends with all tho latest styles and novelties 01 the season. MV RtnC.I? hH4 llPPtl CnWfnif mill. I, KLDHy care and will be sold very cheap, I have mwuieu very proncieni trimmor from New York, and am able to All all orders Intrusted to me with neatness and dispatch. i ir.illion of custonwrt, hirlng the past yean, crwic the vcnlict that VICK'S SEEDS norr di Vhy watc time, rnnnv aiulitatiRnca on v. ynu ran buy the BEST at ssmi- price V.c nn initt.ike thi yar send loccnts lnr Vick'B 1 GutitVf ditdiirl the 10 centB from first order, nh'' 1 rni ii iKhinsf.

Tt is hotter than ever: loo 1 1 1 plates, grunil nnvpitlcH worthy of pTiri and WLZb V1CX. AN, Rochester. H. T. Money to Lend ON IMPROVED FARMS.

he said, "ready to save you from any such forlorn fate. And rememlH i-," he went on, with a kind of lioyL.h catching of the breath in his hoic-stirred tones, "there is somewhere a new life prepared for us in a land SYLVAN TOOK NO NOTICE OF THE OUT-STItETCIIKO HAND. that is new. He who so long has been my benefactor will not desert me now. By degrees, my doarest, you will begin to forget that you have forgotten.

Even the recollection that I found you homeless and shivering in the street at night will melt into the brighter consciousness of how much mutual joy that meeting has borne us both. Come, now; let us go down; they are waiting. There, I'll kiss away your tears. Above all things that the sun hates to shine on, I'm sure it must be a tearful bride." They went down-stairs together into the little front drawing-room. The placid-faced clergyman (unconscious of her mental trouble) had taken Per-dita's hand and was saying something kindly or perhaps jocose to her in a lowered voice.

Just then a servant slipped up to Gerald's side and handed him a card. Gerald turned toward Clyde. "My brother, Sylvan," he said. "Can he have heard of my marriage?" "did not tell him," Clyde returned, neutrally. "Where did you show Mr.

Maynard?" said Gerald to the servant. "Into the next room, sir," he was answered. A pair of heavy folding-doors (in what is now a somewhat old-fashioned style for New York) separated these two apartments. These doors were tightly closed. Gerald turned to the clergyman with a smile.

"Just excuse me tor a moment. please," he said. "I promise j'ou I'll return directly. I haven't got frightened enough to run away." He quitted the room by a side door, passed through the hall, and speedily came into the presence of his brother, He was smiling, and instantly put forth his hand. It seemed impossible that he Should hold a shadow of malice, that morning, toward any human being and least of all, toward one so near of kin Hut Srlvan took no notice of the outstretched hand.

He was extremely pale, and the lung-m nlody that threatened him was plainer, now, in his glassy eye and hollow cheek. "I would not have come here," he said, "if it had not been for a most extraordinary matter. In their searches for my wife the two detectives I cm-ployed appear to have been very keen. They insist upon it that they have traced to this house (with final private 1 int. 1 i mmm SHE SANK TO THE FI.OOK.

aid, I believe, from one of its servants) a certain female whom they believe may very possibly be Lucia." Gerald thought of his delayed marriage. Besides, his brother had just behaved with insolence in refusing to take his hand. He half turned away, with a slight curl of the lip. "I know very few of the other people in this house. You should make, inquiries of the landlady here.

Mrs. Brawne is her name." "I preferred to make inquiries of you," said Sylvan. "I preferred it because I have learned that the lady whom the oflicers have suspected of being Lucia is in a certain way tinder your protection and that of Dr. Clyde." Gerald started, frowned, flushed and then grew deadly pale. "She has entirely lost her memory," pursued Sylvan, "and" "Stop there!" broke in Gerald.

He spoke as if a cord girt his throat. "What deviltry is this?" he went on. gaspingly. "Who dared to tell you such a lie?" lie stood staring at Sylvan with a fixity that was full of both defiance and bewilderment. "I have mentioned my informants," replied his brother, coldly.

"lVrhaps they are mistaken; they have not claimed Infallibility; but I am sure they have not dealt in falsehood." A sudden impulse as of desperation took hold of Gerald. "The lady to whom you have so distinctly referred," he said, "is here. Look for yourself." And quietly, but with speed, he unclosed the folding doors. Tn a moment the two rooms became as one. Gerald moved forward, his brother following.

ft 27i turninif rnint la woman's V'. i I 'lar weaknesses J'ien-o's Favorite Prescription brings relief and cure. It is a powerful, rutinjr, restorative tonic and nervine. It imparts strength to the whole system in general, end to the uterine organs and in particular. Hun-down," debilitated and ch-hcuto women need it.

It's a legitimate purely vegetable, perfectly harmless. It's tinm-anteed to givo satifaetim in every ca'- or money refunded. Nothing eUo does r.s much. You only pay for tho good you gei. un you nsk more i As a regulator and prnrvoter of functional action, at that critical period i change from girlluHxl to womanhood, "Favorite lYe-seription" is a iierl'ectly safe remedial agent, and pan produce only good results.

It is equally eflicacious anil vukmblo in iKs effects when taken for those disorders and derangements incident to that later and most critical period, known as Tua Change of Life." AT THE SPRINGFIELD JEWELRY STORE. Solid Gold WXehes from 15.00 up, Solid Silver Watches from 1.00 up. Solid Gold Kings from up. Also an endl-ss variety of nil other kinds of Watches, Clocks, and Silverware and uptical (ioods. Gold Filled and Warranted to Stand equal to solid gold for 20 years.

Fitted with Waltham, Elgin or Standard, works, and warranted to keep perfect time. Sent anywhere U. O. D. for til.

00 wPh privilege to examine. Special attention given to fitting the eye with the very best make of Spectacles and Eye Glasses. Hard Ground Pebble Leuzes a specialty. Also all kinds of Watch and Jewelry repairing done and warranted 12 months. Give me a trial.

GEO. L. HUTS Watchmaker and Jeweller, Jan 2G- Springfield, S. U. Art Gallery AT Orangebnrg, S.

PHOTOS OF THE FINEST GRADE. OLD PICTURES COPIED AND EN LARGED TO ANY SIZE, AND FINISHED IX WATER COLORS, INDIA INK AND CRAYON General Viewing Groups and Babies Photos a Specialty. Will go to any part of the County to take Groups or Buildings. Satisfaction guaranteed. VAN OIISDKLL, Autist.

Jau 6- IHOUSANDSOFWOMI Become afflicted and remain so, differing untold miseries from a sense of delicacy they cannot overcome. BMDFIELD'S FEMALE REGULATOR, by stimulating and arousing to healthy action all her organs, ACTS AS A SPECIFIC. It causes health to bloom on the cheek, and joy to reign throughout tho frame. It never fails to cure. The Best Medicine ever Made for Women.

"Mywlfa ha been undor troatmontof loading: physician! three years, without benefit. After using: three bottles of BlUD-fikld's Femalb Requlator she can da HEB OWH COOKING, MILKINO AND WAJHINGI." N. S. Bay AN, Henderson, Ala. BaAnHBLD Regulator Atluntm, Ga.

Sold by druggists at $1.00 per bottle. YOUNG MENVOLD MEN" They mtkt brote fforti frat thmi but noi Knowing now to cctiiraiij "leuivrnL-iTTuc unnoin iknak ra liiey girt up in dtnpfttr md link Into so fir (rtvc TV BMW itii tt 1 1 awe uur 1 OUR NEW BOOK fof-fttlmUrd tlin.eiplaJna tn pnnoiopny ei Afflir.tinni of thft Orprnni of Mn, ndhow bf vnrtTUCUT by method oxclufllvelr our own, th wont rniu a of Loit or Falim Mnnoo1, 0nerU n4 Kertoo bMlty, Wen of Body a 17 nt Krrnr Otnnlll4 Of Kirtinknn Orssns fsnkf fmwi. HowtoEnlr.ndRt.rnKthenWEAK.DWDEVILOPEO OKOANB PAKTS of BODY miMi plain toU InttrMtt. M.n tmutl Itom Hum, Ynu I'M writ thus. Fr Hwik, full V' prnjh, ERIEMEPICALCO.BUFFALO.H.Y.

Real Estate Ascucy Kon Selling oh Uuyiko Keal Kstatk i OnANOEiiuno uodstv. SEND ME A DESCRIPTION OF ANY property you have for sale, statlni? the best terms you can offer, and 1 will endeavor to find purchaser for you. You will be at no expense unless sale Is effected, when a Tcry moderate commission will be eharced. mZ JAS. II.

FOWLES, Lock Box 8, Orangeburg, a. C. Tom 11 l.otw lor fiulo AT WOODFORD'S, ON THE SOUTH Round Kail Road, 27 miles from Columbia. HuslnoMs has opened brisk and now Is tho time to secure the best lots, as all tho front lots will soon ba sold. For further Information apply to J.

M. ROBINSON, Deo 30- Woodford, S. C. 'IIP I I I For mt 1 FT .11 w. 1 OF rVO BROTHERS.

EDGAK FAWCKTT, vtlior of "The of Claud," "The Evil' That 21 en Do," "A New York Family," Etc. Copyrighted by the flvde expostulated, but vainly. Here madness indeed, but of a sort with Wch his whole pharmacopoeia of drugs 0 ower to deal. Ho had seen the 1 who had brought "PerditaV body Gerald's rooms and had tried to wring .1 nnffMKirTi of that sort of 'Vuwv in which the rope of a wedding- mm tnt-m p. WUV uf img nn1 trot, lroon-wittoil ivere i fOUgll iCilWHO oufe'h fellows anuyci, uwu-vnwcu They seemed clearly to under- Lnd that when hiring them as he had Sis character of a physician connected with Bellevue ana coimuiiueuuy wim morgue to chances of the and most injurious charges, heavens, thought the young physician: one nignx, inter 1 i 11 conference that had teemed for him rrrlii.tinff rebuff.

"I feel like Willi "U1-" -s aie compromised person a Bowery ndodrama. And this comes of not kcepin" the wneeis oi ell within the ruts of the ordinary! lb imagination, what traps you can U'for the unwary scientist!" Dread-in? the ridicule of his co-workers, he refrained from breathing a syllable about the elixir. There were times when he doubted absolutely that it had revitalized her whom Gerald now so adored. Again he would keenly regret the accident which had caused him to overturn that flask of the fluid, and vow to himself that he would soon borrow his young friend's formula and turn alchemist with sturdy zeal. Meanwhile he greatly regretted the absence of Thorndyke, and at last wrote him another letter, far more copious than the first, in which ho described Gerald as bent upon a perilous and reckless union with a woman whose brain and body were both disordered and who might bring upon herself and her suitor calamity almost worse than death.

"Leave, if you can," he counselled, "the tangle of your present affairs, and come eastward with speed. You have already written Gerald your real losses are slight. All the better reason, my good friend, why you should seek at this hour the mad boy who hurries to a bourne that may prove his lasting grief and disgrace. 7" Somewhat strangely, must be owned, 'on the very aiternoon wean Clyde sat in his study sealing and ft recting this letter, Gerald, with flushed face and brilliant eyes, pushed himself unannounced across the threshold. "Wish me joy!" he said, throwing Ins strong, lithe frame into a chair.

"She has consented to marry me She loves me, and has agreed to link her fate with mine. It must happen in a few days, Clyde a very few days. We shall go straight to join dear old i)r. Tnorndylce after our marriage. I feel I've neglected him horribly.

Hut when ho sees Perdita he will pardon me, I'm certain. And we shall live out therewith him, if he'll let us." 'Where do you mean?" asked Clyde, wiping his pen, and giving a sniff to the autumn tuberose in his confront. "Chicago? It can't ho wry comfortable there just now, considering that most of it is ij'i ashes." "Oh, we'll find some other place out in the West," said Gerald, with an excited of the head. "There are lots them. It will be a new life, and that's just what I want.

You forget that I only need a little time to work train at the elixir and realize from it a monstrous fortune." Clyde made a plaintive sort of tattoo rathe desk before him with the well-ept finger-nails of one hand. "Ah, res yes, indeed," he muttered, in joy-ess monotone. Not long afterward ae posted his copious letter to Thorn-uykc, and then had a conscience-stricken feeling that he should have spent a small fortune in sending it all by telegram. CHAPTER X. "You are ready, I'erdita?" said Gerald with great gentleness, on a certain morning just three days later.

ics," she answered, standing before fiim a simple dark dress, with a minchof flowers at her bosom. Then, T'dK her hand and held it to his "PS, she went on: "Who is waiting there, Gerald?" "Uown "I the drawing-room? No one 'l the clergyman who is to marry and good friend, Dr. Clyde, not speak of poor, dull, obliging Mrs. Arawne." He was going to n(M) in lu, afterthought, "expensive Mrs. "rawne, I might also call her," butsiid-w my preferred not to speak the words, instead of them he gayly said: "The is shining us merry as if it were one 01 my old English May mornings.

And vZvllt I8 Bhiuiny in heart, too, you'" tl 80 5t'8 the 6iame wit1' Her eyes swam in tears as they dwelt on his face. "Oh, Gerald," she haid, whatever that blotted-out past of mine may have been, rm certain it never love to me, never, never!" She 'owed ller h'l on his shoulder. "There no forgetfulness that could cloud be 1 8 tliat lnakes me I can not who Wron And who knows? hosefcS? Ther aro timc8 whcn iron ycars nre likc a monstrous slowl vT'u Rainstwhkh 1 seem to bo cndcd a hudder. With ktaSdt Pt head 1B' These arms are here," "UVIi.V TUF.M! Vol" A UK RIGHT; THEY AKK HsK.n." hand on the elder man's shoulder. "You dear old chap!" he laughed.

'No wonder the Chicago fire spared your goods and chattels as it did!" "Nonsense," muttered Thorndyke, in his beard. "It ruined many a better man!" thk ShcI Work with the liirda. The beautiful little mackerel gulls, which, a few years since, were so plen tif ul in our Maine bays and estuaries, have entirely disappeared, and are now never seen. The cause whieh effected this was the demand for plumage for the Uecoration of the fall and winter bonnet.

So exacting was this that taxidermists established branches near the supply, that they might prepare the skins of these and other birds as soon as killed. For the. mackerel gull they paid ten cents each, a price so remunerative to professional gunners that these birds were the short space of two years practically exterminated. All of the snipe family were also in great demand; even the little ox-eye did not escape, for a single order was placed for 000,000 of these at three cents each to fill an English contract. Lewiston (Me.) Journal.

Lots of Thieves. Easterner Have you any horse thieves in your section? Westerner Lots of 'em. "Lots?" "Yes. Cemetery lots." Good News. Fitted U1h Mouth Better.

lie Yeth, 1 suppose I was horn with a silver spoon in my mouth! She Are you cpaite sure, Mr. Sappy, that it wasn't a silver-headed eane? Munsey's Weekly. An Unexpected Answer. Fangle Cumso, what is the difference between Jay Gould and myself? Cumso (promptly) Jay is worth more than 40,000,000, while you are worthless. Jury.

Specimen Cases. S. II. Clifford, New Cassel, was troubled with Neuralgia and Ilhuma-tlsm, his Stomach was disordered, his Liver was affected to an al trming degree, appelate fell away, and he was terribly reduced in flesh and strength. Three bottles of Electric Bitters cured him.

Edward Shepherd, Ilarrisbur 4. had a runnins sore 011 his leg of eiglit years' standing. Used three bottes of Electric Bitters and seven boxes of Bucklen's Arnica Salve, and his leg is sound and well. John Speaker, Catawba, had five large Fever sores on his loir, doctors said lie was incurable. One bottle of Electric Bitter3 and one box Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured him entirely.

Sold by The Dr. J. G. Wanna-makcr Mamiacturing Company. 3 hho is Alive.

Charleston, S. Feb. re cent abortion in this correspondence that Miss Etta Mcliride was in or near Charleston will soon be verilied. For some (lavs Chief Martin has been in cor respondence with parties at Mt. Fleas-aa, and it now known that a few days alter she disappeared so mysteriously the young woman was seen at Mt.

i'leasant with a youiiK man lrotn there. They went to Oakley, where they bought a borse and borrowed a and made for the interior. Detectives Miller and McMatius went to Mt. I'leasant today, and, as a consequence of the information, there obtained, together with the chief's letter from Oakley, the charming Etta will be found and brought to Charleston in a few days. State.

Compensation for Kx-Slaves, Raleigh. X. C. Feb. 10.

In his newspaper, the Gazette, published here, Editor John II. Williamson, colored, announces himself as a candidate for Congress, lie intimated last Novem ber that ne would oe a canuiaaie. lie says his platform will be compensation for ex-slaves as proposed by Fresident Lincoln, who at the time he made his famous proposition admitted that they were lawful property of those claiming to be their masters and proposed to nav S300 each for them, liberate tnem and stop the war. Williamson declared tbat letters from all parts of tne country commend his views. Now Try TUU.

It will cost vou nothing and will sure ly do you good, if you ave a Cough, Cold, or any trouble with Throat, cnest or Lungs. Dr. King's Xew Discovery for Consumption, Coughs und Colds is guaranteed to give relief, or money will be paid back. Sudercrs Irom La onppe found it juet the thing and under its use had a speedy pnd perfect recovery. Try a sample bottle atour expense and learn for yourself iust how good a thing it is.

Trial bottles free at The Dr. J. G. Wan- naniakerMauulactuiiugCoinpaiiy'sDrug Store. Large size 50c.

and! 1,00. Kwamped. Bkalfoiit. N. C.

Feb. schooner Wave, Captain Newcome, bound tor JN orfolk with a loau 01 oysters, was swamped in I'amllco Sound and the crew lost. About fifteen feet 01 the vessel's mast is out of water. The Captain was from Xew Jersey, lie leaves a widow and one child. Tho mate, S.

D. l'arsons, belonged here. Illnlne Don leu a St ory. Wasiiinotox, D. Feb.

10. Sec retary Blaine a attention was caneu this morninii to a story telegraphed from Washington last night and printed in unmn nanura to.iliiv that llH Will shortly retire from the cabinet. Mr. Blaine promptly ana empnaucany sum: The story is faise. There is not a word of truth in it." for a brief space, as well as his keen agitation would permit.

Then he almost reeled toward the grate and flung them in among the yellow, coiling flames. Nearly a month had passed when one evening Clyde and his friend Ross Thorndyke sat together. "It is charming," said Clyde, "to think of Gerald's devotion to his brother nowadays. Instead of that horror having divided them it has made them better friends than ever before." "Poor Sylvan is doomed, I fear," said Thorndyke. "His fathers old malady has him in its clutch." "Yes.

There seems every sign of an incurable decay." The two friends were seated in Clyde's charming study, full (f books and of artistic touches in the way of picture, bust or tapestry. Clyde let his eyes wander for awhile among these various proofs of his own taste and culture. Then he. slowly said, with a half-smile playing between his lips: "If all record of the elixir had not been lost, its powers of healing might be tried on poor Sylvan now. I don't refer to any greittir powers it might have possessed, my dear Thorndyke, so don't watch in me that half-contemptuous fashion.

I merely mean-" But here Thorndyke gave his gray beard an impatient pull and dung one leg irritatedly across the other. "Oh, Clyde, Clyde!" he protested. "I often wonder that imagination of yours has ever allowed you to become the brilliant practitioner you aro. Upon my word, believe you secretly think there was something sane in Egbert Maynard's queer decoction, after all." "I can't help but wonder, sometimes," returned Clyde, "at the resuscitation of that drowned woman." "Wonder at it?" echoed Thorndyke with unsparing scorn. "Why, how many thousands of so-called drowned people have been revived bv a dose of "Then you admit" "That it van a stimulant? What else could it have been? But no more so than brandy ami perhaps not as much." Clyde got up from his chair, with both hands thrust into his trousers pockets and with head reflectively drooped.

"No; I won't admit Unit" he said; "I simply won't. There were novel methods of dealing with electricity pointed out by Maynard in that formula which might have astounded the greatest liv-ingehemists." "Pah!" scoffed Thorndyke. "I should have liked to sec any great living chemist give it five minutes of serious attention." There was now a silence, during which Clyde stared up atone of his rare engravings. "Well, well." he at length murmured, "it's useless to talk now of what merit or humbug the strange compound may have concealed. But one thing is sure: it has wrought grief and ruin enough to have been the shirt of Xer.Mis or the 'poppied shell' of Medea.

And Gerald! how it has drugged him! Do you think he will ever quite recover from its effects?" "Yes," exclaimed Thorndyke, with a hearty emphasis that was somehow both manful and sweet. "He's young yet. and he's got all the world before him. Besides, you know, he has my warm friendship while I live, and he'll have what's no doubt a good deal more valuable from mo after I'm dead." Clyde turned, with glowing eyes, and went up to his friend's chair, laying a IN SUMS OF $350.00 AND UP-L wards. Low rate of Interest, long tlmo and easy payments.


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