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The Times and Democrat from Orangeburg, South Carolina • 2

The Times and Democrat from Orangeburg, South Carolina • 2

Orangeburg, South Carolina
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE TIMES AND DEMOCRAT: WEDNESDAY, XOVEMKEK 12, 1002., 0 ftlll llll I I mmmmmmmm mm, maammm THE ELECTION. 1' I Were No Great Surprises in Result. Turnip and Rutabaga Seeds Just in: PUBLICANS WIN THE HOUSE, Time. I wish to thank my patrons for past patronage and to re-assure them that my large Hour mill is ready for 1 he new triPhave added to my already well equipped milling plant a machine for separating from wheat all morning lory seed, cockles and any other small seed's or trash that might injure the sample of Hour. SO Barrels a Day isTrrrrapacityand I make it a rule to grind your wheat promptly.

Parties from a'distance who may have to remain over night will find ample room fur themselves in my camp houses, and Thoroughly eradicates the excess of Uric and Lactic Acids from the system, starts the "kidneys into healthy action, cures constipation and indigestion. THIS DONE, YOU ARE WELL OF ood si alls for their stocK. Vnn wl 1 be best Yield and the best Early Eed or Purple Top. ElTrTy FlafTDu ch Ainb-r, Globe, White Egg ow Horn. Southern Snow White Globe Winter Konjjh Top and im proted Sweet liutabaga seeds.

Also a full line of fresh Garden seeds And don't forget to try a sack of Henry Clay Flour at the Rd Store of quality of Hour from my mill. AND ANY OTHER DISEASE CAUSED BY IMPURE BLOOD. Do not be discouraged if other remedies have failed. RHEUMACIDE has made its reputation by curing alleged incurable cases. Does not injure the organs of digestion.

Goldsboro, N. 25, 1903. Gentlemen Some nix years bro I began to have sciatica, and also a chronio case of muscular rheumatism. At times I could not work at all (my business beinfr baggage master ou Southern E. For days and veeks at a time I could not work.

Mjr sufforinsr was intense. Physicians treated me, without permanent relief, however. Tried a number of advertised remedies without permanent benefit. Finally I tried Kheumacide." It did the work, and I have had excellent health for three years. I can cheerfully say that all rheumatics should use Kheumacidb," for it is by far the best remedy.

R. A. LOMAX Remember tnai 1 am sun mc hiHibcr business and can till your orders tnr 1 if rfiinrb or kiln-dried dressed lumber, at reasonable prices, i 1 your patronage, What I Will Do If you prefer to ship your grain to Price $1.00 prepaid express, or from your Druggist. Bai Bobbltt Chemical -s PAflLERr CojHor mar lv your sacks plainly, prepay the freight and 1 will haul your grain from the Depot and return it when ground into flour, without any other coast than the regular toll at the mill provided the shipment is not less than 30 bushels. Two or more parties may join in to make up a shipment.

For Exchange I will exchange flour for good beef cattle. J. B. TRAYWICK, COPE, S. C.

the Democrats Made Ilift Gain in Nearly All the States. The South Once More Soiitl. 'he election on Tuesday. 4th in-s it. resulted in no great surpmes.

New York the Republican caudi-i' for governor claims his election a small majority, which the le-srats refuse to concede. The result close that there will probably be 1 ntest. In almost all cities of the of New York the Republican ty organizations went to smash be-; the assault of the labor vote. The 1 nocrats win four congressmen in State. t'enny packer has been elected gov-or of Pennsylvania by a plurality it least 105,000.

This was done in face of the bitterest campaign has racked the Keystone state in ant years of hard fighting in the iv, of discontent caused by coal and of a revolt in Alleghany nty, which, when the votes were was found to have caused nplete party chaos. Pennsylvania 1 probably elect 24 Republican iresentatives and eight democratic reseutatives. Quay has saved the islature and, having won this vie-y, is ready to retire from politics. Connecticut has gone Republican by 15,000 and it is likely that only has Mr. Lilly, Republican -ndidate for representative at large, en elected, in spite of his connction th the beef trust but that all the districts have been carried by the 'publicans.

In Ohio the Tom. Johnson ticket iSbeen snowed under by the efforts of Senators Hanna and i iraker. Hanna's home city went imocratic. The Republicans carry lio by a greatly reduced majority. Ln Wisconsin the Republicans have i in spite of themselves.

The bit-' quarrel between Governor Lafol-1 te and Senator Spooner was carried to the polls. The surprising is that Lafollette has been jted governor and the legislature viepubliean insuring Spooner's re-. to the senate-airdten of the fen congrelsional districts have carried by the Republicans. was a light vote in Illinois, the Republicans apparently held own. Indications are that the blicaaswlll have the legislature, jring the election of Bepresenta- ors of William E.

Mason. AYERS WILLIAMS We Aim At Giving Satisfaction. Are now selecting their Fall Seeds, such as Native Rye, Wheat and Rust Proof Oats Seed. Wheat Brand, Rice Meal. Compressed Hay, Corn and And from now on we expect -to hit the mark closer than ever as we have our grent macbine in that will shrink a tire without taking it off the wheel therefore keeps the wheel from being bruised in any way.

Of course this means lower prices for shrinking. We are still busy 10 hours six days out of every week with our 19 hands building "Wagons, Buggies and doing all kinds of Repair Work and First-Class Painting. Will take orders for any kind of vehicles. THE IGHTT HUG HT PRICE THE RIO AT Oats. Door, Sash and Blind, Lime Cement, Plaster and Red Brick at Lowest Prices.

AYERS Jj WILLIAMS, at Van Tassels Old Stand. JVIeans more than foresight and judgment It takes cour age and ability to put them into effect. We anticipated your wants as closely as if you had told m. We have a great line of Ladies', Misses' and Children's Cloaks and Jackets and Long Coats, just the things. A full assortment in sizes and Our expert Horse Shoer also has considerable experience on lame-ness'of the foot.

And last but not least we carry a full line of Buggies, Wagons, akness, We have 30 extra stalls and a large yard for the public. Come and see us. prices. A word or two about other thing we keep White flannels 10c arda to silk Worps at 75c per yard, all other rtrtT.o ioonnrl lot of Tnenls. vouths.

children's clothing REVIVO tnmUt. RESTORES VITALITY I -i m-- LXJi KJ i. I 11 aiiU Villi' dren's overcoats, we have them. The riginal Tiger Jent Pants, if a seam rips you get auother pair. is the demand.

Now we can serve you. So come quick. George Zeigler. OUANGEBURG, S. C.

Made a Well Man THE A. of Me. Von Onsen Weeks. Buying a Watch? If so, do you know enough about watches to make a safe purchase. Remember that if you do not buy from a reliable jeweler you are most likely to be deceived.

If you will call we will be pleased to explain the difference between a good and a poor watch. RIGHT GOODS AT RIGHT PRICES. A pplies to everything in our store as well as to watches. If 3LJL 3n.U3Vl.lU UTS? produces the above revolts In 30 dayi. It tctt powerfully and quickly.

Cures when others (all. Vouog men will regain their lof manhood, sod old mon will recover their youthful vigor by using liliVl u. it quickly sua surely restores Nervousness, Lost Vitality, Impotency. Nightly Emissions, Lost Power, Failing Memory, Wasting Diseases, and ell effects ot self-abuse or excess and indiscretion, wmcn mints one tor study, business or marriage. It not only cures by starting at the seat of disease, but is a great nerve tonlo and blood builder, bringing back tbs pink (flow to pale cheeks and restoring the fire of youth.

It wards off Insanity and Consumption. Insist on having BE VIVO, co i idiana remains Republican. The ilature will be controlled by Re- leans and Senator Fairbanks will eed himself. here have been heavy Democratic is in Massachusetts, but the Re- state ticket has been elected i fair majority. is probable that three or four nbers of congress have been elect- but the.

Democrats of Maryland ch now has six Republican repre- Latives have elected four repre-tativs. )eleware has probably been carried the Democrats and Houston has elected to congress. The legisla-s is close, but is believed the De- crats will control and elect two itcd States senators, i the far west the Republicans have gains. Colorado is believed to safely in their column. Nevada has probably elected a Re-lican to congress, he Pacific coast states are gener-Republican and the Republicans California have elected their state 1 et and six of the eight representa- 'bode Island has elected a Demo-.

ic governor and two Democrtic ibers of congress. This is a sur-; ng result and is due to the up-rg of labor in the cities of Provi- and l'awtucket. le South is once more solid. The jblicans carried very few congres- districts in this section. thing in the iewelrv line it will you to visit us.

H. SPAHR, WATCHMAKER and JEWEL Eli Orangeburg, S. FIRF INSURANCE, If you insure in 'either of the following companies represented bv Wm.V. IZLAR you are absolutely protected in case of loss and prompt ly paid. Liverpool London (J lobe.

Continental, German American, Georgia Home, Phenix, of Brooklyn, Northern Assurance. Also write Tornado Insurance. Call at olllce or write me. oiner, it can be carried in vest pocket. By mail, B1.00 per package, or six (or 5.O0, with a post tlve 'written urnsrantee to enre or refund the money.

Book and advise free. Address BOYAL MEDICINE Clzyul1-) For sale by Lowman Lowman, Druggist, Orangeburg, S. C. Established 1858. John A.

Hamilton, Jr. (successor to John A. Hamilton.) FIRE INSURANCE. If you are not insured wait for a lire to remind you of your neglect Insure in one of the Old Line Stock Companies represented by my Agency and be protected. PLATE GLASS INSURANCE.

Are your show cases, show windows, mirrors, insured against breakage? I can protect you at small cost If You rjad Only a Week to Live wouldn't you hustle up and make provision for your family? A lot of people are going 1o die in the next week, and in every week thereafter. You are sure of today1-! hat's all. Why not get insurance while you ha ve time? Call on J. J. CONYERS, Olllce over Geo.

eigler's Store, Orangeburg, S. C. Notice To Trespassers. ALL PERSONS ARE HEREMV 1 forbidden to hunt or in anv other way trespass upon inv lands in branire Wm.V. IZLAR, Agent, The People's Bank.

Paid in Capital Liability of Stockholders. ,000.00 $00,000.00 V. A. Adrten, President. I.

(J. Wannamaker Cashier. DIKKCTOKS. F. A.

Atldcn, F. F. Muekenfuss, I). O. Heibert, A.

M. Salley, A. Lath rop, W. C. Cnim, II (J Wannamaker.

1. S. llarley, This Hank ransacts a general bank intf business and guarantees safety, ac curacy and promptness. TH 10 SAVINGS DEPARTMENT will allow on deposits at the rate of four (4) percent per annum. Accounts of firms, individuals, merchants, corporations and all others are solicited.

We want your account. Deposit your money with us, and we will give you every possible accommo-dat ion. ORANGFRIJRG, S. 1 EAllNFTloiur Main opposite Doyle's Corner. A Startling Surprise.

ry few could believe in looking at lloadley, a healthy, robust black-li of Tiklen, that for ten he suffered such tort ures from malismas few could endure and Rut a wonderful change follow-s taking Electric Bitters. "Two wholly cured me," he writes, 1 liave not felt a twinge in over They regulate the the Kid-purifv the biood and cure Rhcu-ni, Neuralgia, Nervousness, im-digestion and give perfect health. Item. Only 50 cts. at Dr.

J. (J. ainaker, Co. drug store. Lynched Him.

i Harris, a negro, entered the of Geo. Meadows, a prominent near Salem, on Monday ruck Mrs. Meadows and her 18-Id daughter on the head with giving the former a mortal and fracturing the skull of the The negro was arrested, but ken from the officers by 125 id his body riddled with bullets. 1 I PITV a vrv ill ji ,) aro invilrl .,.11 and lie served with Hot Meals at all ly.n.v varciui ana respectful attention given to all. 1.

TAX LEVIES 1902, Orangeburg County, S. C. State County ordinary and special 2J School Total 10 School Dist. No. special school 3m.

bonded debt 2 m. 20, special school m. 20, bonded debt li in. 1H, special school 2 mf is, bonded debt 2i mf 7, special scliool 4 m. 07, tonded debt 24 ni.

"4, special scliool 2 2 20 1 flm. i 11 2 rn 27, 2 in. 40, 2 m. 41, 4:5, ni. 44, 05, 2 in.

00, 2 in. OS, 2 in. 70, 71, Hm. 75, 2 m. Theolllce will be open on the 15th of October for collection of taxes.

Office hours from 9 to 3 o'clock. A. I. Horger, County Treasurer. For Sale Cheap.

A NICE TRACT OF LAND ONE-iv half mile West of Jamison containing 240 acres with four tenant houses and barn to each house, also a new gin house. Known as the Horger place. For particulars address, W. F. Cannon, 11-5-4 Orangeburg, S.

C. from a distance will find and lie refreshed. DENTIST. fff! 2-; "nch, locand 1 otCo lee.pc; Tea, Cocoa, fe. Oysters when son a- ice Cream, Milk Shakes, (bca Cola, c.

rcsh Bread and Cakes. liespecuuiiy, FRED'C POOSER. Township. Jos. 1.

Fersncr. 1014 Notice. LL PERSONS ARK 1IERERV 1 forbidden to cut, wnnrl nr hnil Specialist in diseases of ho ovn our straw off my land in Caw Caw Town- nose and throat and in GENERAL SURGERY. Eye lasses fitted free of charge. Okngkbuho, S.

C. snip. Aita Jnauinet and Wife. 101. I am permanently located here to practice Dentistry.

lam prepared to do lirst-class work at a reasonable rate. I. I REEVES, For Sale. I AHGE LOT WITH THREE 1 buildings, fronting on Russcl Street and extending back to St. John Street, Itctween P.

Doyle and Mrs. John Reeves lots, and known as the John 1). Stroman lot. Apply to 7-JO-6 mos. H.

Gramlino. Iiitck in Thirteen. ending miles Win. Spircy, of i i Pinnace, got a box of Vs Arnica Salve, that wholly 1 horrible Fever Sore on his leg. x.

else could. Positively cures Felons, Ulcers, Eruptions, i hirns, Corns and Piles. Only laranteed by lr. J. ti.

Wanna-1 'v. druggist. are hunting for a nobby hat, i i at pair of shoes, don't stop un- each O. Bans dale. Notice.

mm PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM CVanaea and bntin th hair. I'nimotof a Iniiiriftnt Ktuwth. Never rails to Uontore Oray Hair to lta Youthful Color. Cufca mp dlmuf a hair failiiA ftOjamljIJLHijit RTLY'? TIIU5 SHRINK-rVi'nlf iniachlnc operation. Uil and have your tires shrunk and lie wllsaeyou money..

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